Sunday, October 26, 2008

Highlights from Peet's Pumpkin Party!

Q: How many pumpkins can fit in the backseat of a MINI Cooper?
A: 6 pumpkins can fit in the backseat of a MINI Cooper with room to spare.

Jessica (upon arrival): "This pumpkin has neurofibromatosis and was the ugliest one in the patch."

"Jessica, get your diseased pumpkin off my Buffalo!!"

Simon Students and Pumpkins:
Byron, Melly, Jessica, and Yankee Peet

When I got home...

Amelia (helping me carry our pumpkins inside): Mel, these are so heavy and won't fit in the fireplace! What part of small to medium don't you understand?!

Mel: I did my job! The prices ranged from $4 to over $10. At $5.50, these pumpkins are medium!

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