Sunday, August 17, 2008


My final was on Wednesday and it felt like I was hit by an oncoming train. I'm not alone. It was scheduled to end at 8:30 but I think about 75% of class was still working at 11:00pm.

I'm frustrated because I know that I knew the material but I don't do very well under pressure. I can already tell that Simon is going to help me get better at thinking on my feet. It isn't good enough to simply understand the material as I need to know how to apply what I have learned on a moment's notice.

I'm (unsuccessfully) trying not to dwell on everything I wish I could have, should have, or would have done differently. On a positive note, moments like Wednesday night remind me why I'm here. As much as I love when I pick up on things right away, I don't want to attend a school if everything comes easily and I'm not challenged.

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